027 248 9320 theo@uprotectnz.com

As a specialist personal insurance adviser, I encounter many individuals (and families) who suffer from ‘bullet-proof syndrome’. In other words, they claim to be healthy, fit, exercise regularly, have great family genetics and longevity.  Therefore, they believe they simply have no need for an insurance plan to provide security for themselves and their families.

As an example, over the last year, I have had several consultations with a couple in their mid-30s. They have three children, aged 3 years, 2 years and 4 months old and absolutely no insurance protection plan. While the wife keenly wants to see a suitable plan in place, the ‘bulletproof’ husband doesn’t see that as a priority. So, nothing gets done!

Health issues on the increase

Yet, despite the fallacy of people claiming to be ‘bulletproof’, we regularly see medical reports that show the incidence of bowel and other cancers is steadily increasing. It is progressively becoming a younger person’s disease. Being in one’s 20s or 30s is no longer a guarantee of avoiding any of these and numerous other potentially life-threatening medical conditions. I was distraught when a vibrant, fit 38-year-old female client was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The $350,000 trauma claim payout provided huge financial relief to the family. It enabled them to spend quality time together while she underwent treatment.

Health system on the decline

It’s been obvious for some time that our public health system is falling apart before our very eyes. Many health professionals have left and are continuing to leave New Zealand in droves. They are moving for better working conditions and pay overseas. Burnout has decimated the health sector. Doctors, radiographers, nurses and laboratory staff carried a brutal workload during the Covid episode.

Best time to get insurance?

Medical advisor Professor Frank Frizelle states:

“Right now many GPs have valid concerns that younger patients they refer for public hospital investigation will be denied assessment due to their youth and perceived lower risk.”

It has never been a more important time for individuals and families, particularly when in their 20s and 30s, to put in place private medical cover and trauma insurance while they enjoy good health. Doing this could be the difference between gaining life-saving treatment, or not, when life throws the inevitable ‘curve ball’.

No one is bulletproof any longer, if anyone ever was, especially those in their 20s and 30s!

Don’t dither. Don’t delay. The best time to get insurance is now. An insurance protection plan is useless unless it’s in force.

Theo Simeonidis
UProtectNZ Insurance Services