027 248 9320 theo@uprotectnz.com

Great solutions to unusual disability insurance claims

As insurance advisers we are sometimes confronted by challenges well outside the box. One such case related to a couple, being long-term clients, who, after a couple of years, both changed jobs, changed email addresses and mobile phone numbers. They effectively disappeared off the radar, making our efforts to keep in touch with them for, at least an annual “warrant of fitness” insurance review, simply impossible.

A 7-year-old disability claim – what?

Then out of the blue I was contacted earlier this year by the insurer (Partners Life) advising that they had just received a call by the clients enquiring about the potential to lodge a historical disability claim dating back to 2015 – 7 years ago! With new contact details now available I contacted my clients to determine the circumstances relating to the claim: how, why, when, and was advised that after a back injury back in 2014-15 my client had been unable to work for some time and wondered if a claim could be lodged.

My emphatic answer was: “Yes! But why didn’t you contact me immediately, 7 years ago, so I could lodge and pursue the claim on your behalf?”

I duly received all the medical, specialists’ and surgeons’ notes, prepared and lodged a claim with Partners Life and liaised with their Claims section who worked incredibly hard to unravel the detail of a horrendously complex claim which involved multiple surgeries, specialists’ and rehabilitation appointments over a period of months, seven years earlier. 

A good news story

The company was a pleasure to deal with and after considerable analysis they were pleased to be able to pay the claim, which absolutely thrilled my clients.

So, what’s the moral of the story? Don’t wait for 7 years to lodge a claim! Your insurance adviser is the very first person that you should contact if you need to lodge a claim – that’s what we are here for and are committed to ensuring your claim is successful.

It’s what we do!