027 248 9320 theo@uprotectnz.com

I write this article, having just returned from a heartbreaking funeral to farewell a savvy, vivacious, 33-year-old woman. A recent mother and successful business owner, with her whole life ahead of her, her death leaves behind a heavily grieving husband, family, friends and clients. How could it be, that only months after becoming a mother for the first time, creating so much joy, and in a deeply loving marriage, she was suddenly taken, leaving a huge void in many people’s lives?

Sadly, it is the reality in our current world that life isn’t fair. No one is immune from life’s unexpected curveballs that can strike when least expected. The death or critical illness of a loved one can leave a family in a seriously exposed financial position. No one can control when such events impact our lives. So, it is prudent to plan for the unexpected and be prepared to cope with it when it does happen.

Nothing can replace the loss of a loved one

But having suitable life insurance cover in place will enable the surviving family, despite a period of grieving, to:

  • meet immediate funeral and legal expenses
  • settle the outstanding mortgage(s) on residential property (and other loans and/or outstanding debts). This leaves the property mortgage-free and removes the pressure on the surviving spouse/partner to meet mortgage payments on their own
  • have access to additional funds to enable the surviving spouse/partner to ensure the children’s quality education and to enable the household to continue to function, despite the premature loss of a parent or caregiver.

UProtectNZ is here to help

If you do not presently have life insurance cover in place to provide security and peace of mind for you and your family, then I invite you to contact me for an initial no-obligation consultation. We will conduct this in the gentle, respectful and sensitive manner for which UProtectNZ Insurance Services is renowned. UProtectNZ has made a long-term commitment to helping people, and our wider community. We welcome the opportunity to be of assistance.

It’s what we do!
Theo Simeonidis
UProtectNZ Insurance Services